Where and how can I apply to City Sem?

Our application for 2024-2025 will be made available in January

It is due on Friday March 15 at 5PM

How many students are in City Semester?

We typically accept 15-18 juniors per semester. 

What are you looking for? Is it hard to get in? Am I obligated to go if accepted?

We look for students who are curious, reflective, adventurous, and interested in taking the initiative. Admission decisions will be sent out in late April. We typically receive 40+ applications each year. Given our wait list, we request that students let us know as soon as possible if they are accepted and do not plan to attend. 

What does grading look like in City Semester?

Your transcript will represent the skills and core competencies of the program. Your assignments (as well as the two major final projects) will be a hybrid of individual and group-based work and involve elements from multiple disciplines. They include interdisciplinary portfolios, maps, museum research, data collection and analysis, presentations, hands-on hypothesis testing, historical research, essay writing, creative writing, journaling and place-booking, lab work, etc.

Will I be on campus? Will I be able to partake in other Fieldston programs?

City Semester is off campus an average of two days a week. Most trips, with the exception of 4-5 larger adventures, take place within the school day. When we are on campus, students attend assemblies and visit their Fieldston advisory on Fridays. They may participate in sports and school plays. 

Will I have any frees?

When we are on campus, City Semester students typically have Monday/Thursday A/B free.

Can I take City Semester if I am an art major/on a sports team/interested in intensive science/in science research?

Yes. We have had students do all of these in conjunction with City Semester in recent years and all have found success in the program. The only thing you cannot do at the same time as City Semester is STS. If you are admitted to City Semester, you may apply to STS instead in your senior year. 

Can I apply to City Semester if I am also applying to other semester programs?

Yes. Some students, though not commonly, do a semester program in the fall and City Semester in the spring, or vice versa. 

Can I take science intensives senior year after being in City Semester?

Yes. Many students have done this successfully each year. Students interested in AT Physics can take an independent study in physics with Mr. Lambert while enrolled in City Sem.

Can I take City Semester if I am in Math Level 1 or 7?

City Semester is able to offer an integrated math course that also includes separate meetings for students in Math Level 1 or 7. 

Can I take City Semester if I study a language other than Spanish?

Yes. We offer French/Chinese within the program and we have had students taking an independent study in Latin.


Is City Semester an Adler-designated course? 

For 2022-2023, City Semester will fulfill the Adler-course requirement in both History and English.

How will I complete PE credit while in City Sem?

Students receive credit for PE in City Semester through a combination of our walking tours, morning tai chi and other opportunities within the program. 

Will I receive any service credit in City Sem?  

Service work is core to the program. We typically spend each Wednesday morning volunteering at a community garden. Students fulfill their junior year service requirement by participating in the program.  


How will City Semester impact my college process?

Students will be assigned a counselor and meet with them just as they would in the regular semester. For our graduates, participation in the program has served as strong evidence of their adventurousness and uniqueness, and provided a compelling story for interviews and essays. 

For further questions about City Sem and college you can watch the following video created by Director of College Counseling Jameel Freeman and Director of City Semester Roy Blumenfeld.

Who teaches in City Semester?

Our current team is:

Director - Roy Blumenfeld

English - Hannah Oberman-Breindel

History - Nancy Banks

Science - Nim Lee (Fall), Howie Waldman (Spring)

Math – Stephen Chu

Culture – Maura Furfey

Spanish - Alba Santana

French – Melanie Cooper-Leary

Chinese – Ying Wu

Interdisciplinary Arts: Jon Schneidman, Tom Christensen, Jessica Kirkham

What if I still have questions about the program?

Please reach out to Roy Blumenfeld by email (citysem@ecfs.org) or stop by his office (131B)